Landry's Team

Robert Landry
Robert Landry is the owner of Landry’s Outboard Motors. He is an honest, family-man who has been running his business since 2001. Robert was always mechanically inclined as he grew up on the water, and he has worked on boats for as long as he can remember. In his 27 years of being a mechanic, he has worked on numerous types of boats and motors which has broadened his experience and knowledge as well as his passion. Since opening his own business, Robert has been a Mercury service and warranty dealer. Robert has also specialized in painting motors of all brands and types as well as rebuilding power heads and cleaning injectors. He has also recently begun selling, installing and servicing Power Poles for the past 2 years as well as recently stepping into selling Lowe Brand boats.

Lance Galliano
Lance Galliano is a hard-working and dependable mechanic who works here at Landry’s Outboard Motors. Lance grew up in Lockport along the water, so he has been working on boats since he was a child as well. Lance has been a mechanic for 28 years working at multiple companies before joining Robert 14 years ago. Lance is a Mercury service mechanic along with Robert, and he is also specialized in rebuilding power heads, cleaning injectors, and servicing Power Poles.

Jill Landry
Owner/Sales Rep/Advertisement